Our services

At the Cardiologists we provide a comprehensive range of cardiac investigations and procedures using the latest equipment and techniques by very experienced senior Cardiologists and cardiac technicians.

These investigations and procedures are performed invariably without out of pocket expense and are meticulously reported and sent promptly to your referring Doctor. This enables you to have excellent accessible and affordable cardiac care with efficient communication to your referring Doctor.


Patient information

Our team is honoured that you’re placing your trust in us. You or your loved ones’ physical and mental wellbeing will always be the priority at The Cardiologists.

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One of our senior Cardiologists will spend time with you and listen to your concerns, examine you then formulate a management plan for you as well as providing your referring Doctor with a detailed letter outlining the management strategy.

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Stress testing

There are different types of stress testing which are non-invasive ways to see how your heart works during physical activity. It can reveal blood flow problems (coronary artery blockages) because exercise makes your heart work harder.

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Cardiac monitoring refers to recording of the electrical activity of the heart continuously (24 hour telemetry monitor) and also recording of the changes in blood pressure intermittently (24 hour BP monitor).

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An Echocardiogram is a non invasive test to study the structure of your heart and how it is working using sound waves to produce images of your heart.

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Cardiac procedures

We provide a comprehensive cardiac procedural service including coronary angiography, coronary stents, pacemakers, internal cardiac defibrillators, EP studies and ablation therapies.

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Device checks

After the pacemaker/defibrillator/loop recorder is implanted, your cardiologist will evaluate it approximately every 6 months.

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