
An echocardiogram is a non invasive test to study the structure of your heart and how it is working using sound waves to produce images of your heart.

Transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE)

Echocardiography, often called an ‘echo’, uses sound waves to produce an image of your heart. Your heart muscle, valves, large blood vessels and blood flow can be assessed in great detail.

Echocardiography can also provide information about the pressures within the chambers of the heart and lungs.

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Transesophageal echocardiogram (TOE)

A transesophageal echocardiogram can provide more-detailed images of the heart structure especially useful when it's difficult to get a clear picture of your heart with a standard echocardiogram.

The procedure is performed under sedation in the hospital setting. Your throat will be anaesthatised (numbed), and you'll be given medications to help you relax. 

A flexible tube containing a transducer is guided down your throat and into the food pipe / swallowing tube connecting your mouth to your stomach (oesophagus). The transducer records the sound wave echoes from your heart. 

The echo machine converts the echoes into detailed moving images of your heart, which your cardiologist can view on a monitor.


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