Stress Echo

Stress Echocardiogram (Stress Echo) is a test to assess heart function under physical stress. Exercise is done on a treadmill, just like exercise in a commercial gym. The test uses both ultrasound and the electrical signals from your heart (ECG) to assess the health of your heart.


Ultrasound waves (inaudible sound waves) are used to image the heart and assess its function before and immediately after the exercise to see how the heart muscle pump is working, and sometimes to measure other parameters. There is no radiation from this test (Xrays), it is the same technology that is used to take pictures of a baby during pregnancy.

Why do you need a stress echo? 

There are several reasons your doctor may request a Stress Echo including:

  • Exclusion of ischaemic heart disease (to see if there is reduced blood supply to any portion of the heart during exercise which may represent a significant blockage in a coronary artery supplying blood to that part of the heart muscle)

  • Fitness to drive (commercial heavy vehicle licence or private licence)

  • Fitness for joining a gym or a specific exercise program

  • Fitness for surgery from a cardiac perspective

  • Assessing valvular problems and lung pressures (pulmonary hypertension) during exercise

Why do your stress echo at The Cardiologists?

At The Cardiologists stress echos are done by a senior echo technician as well as an experienced specialist echo cardiologist ensuring a highly  accurate assessment. The report will be immediately available to your GP and the echo cardiologist will contact your referring doctor (GP or Specialist) if further management is required.


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